At Araven Group we believe that our commitment to sustainability must always be guaranteed by actions. That is why it is a pleasure to close the year 2023 with the news that the United Nations Global Compact in Spain has confirmed our adhesion as a member of this initiative.
The Global Compact aims to promote corporate sustainability, creating a movement of organisations that work to do business more responsibly and are committed to society and the planet. With 20 years of experience, it already has 62 local networks around the world and 23,800 participants; almost 1,700 in Spain.
Participation means that we assume as our own the values of the UN, summarised in the Ten Principles, basic management rules that emanate from the international declarations on Human Rights, decent work, environmental protection and the fight against corruption. In the same way, we are committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in our area, as set out in the 2030 Agenda.
Joining this great movement ratifies the work we have done in Araven Group and involves three commitments from the management: to continue implementing sustainability criteria in all our daily activity; to disseminate our progress to customers, suppliers, employees… to spread all these values through an annual progress report; and to collaborate with an annual financial contribution on turnover.
Joining the Global Compact is in addition to other endorsements such as the RSA Seal, “Aragonese Social Responsibility” to reiterate the determined work of all the people who make up Araven Group to create and preserve the world we want.