In 2022, Araven Group has maintained its commitment to promoting Corporate Social Responsibility as a hallmark of all the company’s activities. This work has been recognised by the Government of Aragon with the award of the RSA “Aragonese Social Responsibility” Seal, which endorses its commitment to promoting sustainable development.

The company aims to integrate the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the UN into its activity and to promote the efficient use of resources and care for the environment in all its production.

In this line, it is worth highlighting the incorporation of the new 3R bins in its catalogue for the hotel and catering industry: 100% recycled, recyclable and reusable. Or the continuity of the Oceanis line, an innovative range of baskets and shopping trolleys made with plastic from discarded fishing gear to collaborate in the preservation of the seas. Part of the profits are donated to the international NGO Plastic Change, dedicated to reducing and managing plastic waste.

More than twenty actions have also been carried out in collaboration with social entities, for purposes such as favouring the recruitment of people with disabilities and vulnerable groups or protecting nature.

As part of its social commitment, Araven Group has participated for the third year in the Alliance for Vaccination project together with Obra Social La Caixa, has made contributions to the NGO Kassumay Senegal for the construction of a school. It has also sponsored El Periódico de Aragón’s “Run to help” solidarity race to raise funds for refugees and has collaborated with the Association of Ukrainians in Aragón, the Red Cross and the NGO REMAR to provide equipment for a shelter.

Other collaborations include the decoration with the Ronald McDonald Foundation of the family room of the Miguel Servet hospital in Zaragoza, donation of material to the AsociaciónInformáticaAbierta, in Coslada (Madrid) and participation in campaigns for the Red Cross, the Food Bank and Caritas.

As part of its commitment to disability, this year Araven Group joined the Eurofirms Foundation’s 8M Challenge, which aims to incorporate a thousand women with disabilities into the world of work. Also in conjunction with this company, it made a financial donation and organised an awareness-raising activity to highlight the role of women in the business sector.

On a social level, Araven also collaborated with other training programmes for the employment of groups with difficulties, such as Rivas Más Empleo, of the Rivas Vaciamadrid Town Council and the ASPADIR association, as well as providing equipment for the “Cooking blind” class project for blind people by the chef Ángel Palacios.

Another group of collaborative actions has been aimed at environmental protection; two other water-related projects have been collaborated with. One by SEO BirdLife, for the restoration of the riverside ecosystem of the Jarama river and the second to support the work of AISECO and the Government of Aragon in the restoration of habitats in the Gallocanta lagoon, one of the most important wetlands in Spain.

At the same time, Araven has also offered, throughout the year, training sessions for its employees on waste management and the Sustainable Development Goals.